- Plans Development: A HAZMAT risk assessment was completed in 2010 and a commodity flow study for the parish is complete. The Parish all hazards plans as well as the SOP’s and EOP’s are being loaded into the parish version of WebEOC for quick access and storage. Site specific plans have been developed for each chemical facility in Ascension Parish. These plans can be rapidly accessed and create one common operating picture between the facility, the 911 center, the EOC and the responders on scene.
- Interoperable Communications: Portions of the following grants are to be applied towards interoperable communications: SHSP, UASI, PSIC, IECGP, and State Appropriations. This program is to ensure that subscriber units and communications infrastructure is P-25 compliant, robust and supports all responding agencies in the parish. The Ascension Parish Communications District has ensured that the parish public safety radio communications infrastructure as well as the 911 center is robust and redundant.
- Public Outreach Program: To develop protocols and systems to ensure that the residents of Ascension Parish remain informed of emergency information and warnings before, during and after an incident. This project developed procedures to synchronize the activation of cable overrides, television, radio, website, print, and other forms of media. Additionally, a parish Joint Information Center (JIC) is has been developed by the Ascension Parish IT Department, Channel 21, and Leadership Ascension. The Jic is located at the Court House East on Irma BLVD in Gonzales.
- Critical Infrastructure & Key Resource (CI/KR) Protection: This project will apply funding from Homeland Security Grants to insure that critical infrastructure within the parish is secure and that continuity of government and operations is maintained. Twenty-one generators have been installed throughout the parish to ensure that local government essential facilities can continue to operate effectively when all or a portion of the electrical grid is lost. Additionally, a project is underway to provide auxillary power to the Lamar Dixon Expo Center during a declared state of emergency.
- Law Enforcement Anti-Terrorism: This program will be designed to ensure that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security mandate of Law Enforcement Anti-Terrorism Preventions is met. This investment justification is to be used by the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office Crisis Response Team and the Gonzales PD SWAT Team.
- Urban Search and Rescue (USAR): A portion of the State Homeland Security Grant will be allocated to USAR operations. The parish collapse teams were assessed which resulted in USAR training and equipment being enhanced. Currently, funding from the UASI has purchased PPE for parish USAR Team members as well as trench and structural collapse training. Swift water-flood water training was also conducted. Likewise, rigid inflatable boats (RIB) have been procured to equip the swift water – flood water teams in the parish. Swift water boater training has been conducted.
- Mass Casualty Equipment: A mass casualty bus has been development that has the capacity of 12 liter patients or casualties. This vehicle was donated to the parish by the Ascension Parish School Board with the majority of the equipment being purchased by the Ascension Parish CAER Committee. It is currently in service and being maintained by this office.
- Medical Oxygen Trailer: Residents of the parish that are dependent on medical oxygen will be able to have their oxygen cylinders refilled free of charge as a result of a project undertaken by this office and Leadership Ascension. A mobile medical oxygen trailer was developed containing a cascade system and a booster pump that will allow local EMS personnel to dispense oxygen during declared emergencies.